Kind Tweens and Teens Co-op (Geared for 7 and up)
Tue, Mar 15
Some weeks we do STEM, some weeks we will play, but we will always have fun together!

Time & Location
Mar 15, 2022, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Margate, 2500 Rock Island Rd, Margate, FL 33063, USA
About the Event
This event is to get the bigger kids together so they can build friendships and do STEM activities together. It is free and geared toward learners 7 and up. As a co-op we do ask that you bring some supplies to help spread out the responsibilities.Â
Here is the class breakdown
11:00 arrive and kids play and eat snacks
12:15 ish STEM activityÂ
12:45 ish Clean Up and LeaveÂ
Here is the weekly breakdown:
1/25 Coke and Mentos - Bring 2 Liter Bottle of Soda and a roll of mentosÂ
2/1 Bottle Rockets - Katherine Johnson Bring an empty water bottle, vinegar, and baking sodaÂ
2/8 Acting Class with Teacher Karen @ 11 am for over 5's - No STEMÂ
2/15 No Meetup - Break WeekÂ
2/22 Oreo Moonphases - Bring OreosÂ
3/1 Blow up a Balloon without blowing - Bring baking soda, vinegar, a balloon, and an empty water bottleÂ
3/8 Color Party - Wear White clothes that can get messy  and Sunglasses - Bring 1 bag of  Holi Powder - can be found on Amazon