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Kind Academy Bundle Homeschool Guide 

Our Montessori and Reggio Emilia inspired, wonder-based and child tested curriculum has proven to spark joy, excitement, and independence in our learners since we started our school 4 years ago. Now we are offering this curriculum to homeschool families who want to do the same activities at home. 



All amazing themes to explore with your 1-8 year old with fun, hands-on, and nature based ideas to extend learning.


Includes 4 Units 

Outer Space


Gardening & Plants

The Ocean 




31 pages of ideas and instructions for setting up learning for your learner. 


Here is our suggestion for learning with this guide. 

Gather or buy books on topic from the library and keep them out for the week or two you are studying this unit.


Purchase the supplies in our Kits (this was June’s Kit) or source them on your own. 

Be ready to play and learn with your child and have fun connecting with them! 


Bonus: Extend the learning by joining our group on Facebook at and viewing for the Story Time Ms. Iman reads by searching the theme and story time in the search bar.

Homeschool Curriculum Guides Bundle

  • Pdf 31 pages 

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